Liquidity Locking & Team Vesting for Token Founders and Community

$ 2,804,738,283.15
Total Token Lock Value
$ 104,991,574,135.45
Total Liquidity Lock Value
Projects Locked With Team Finance
Liquidity Locked
CoinGecko Ranking
Tokens Locked
Value LockedAction

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Easy Liquidity Locking & Token Vesting

Lock Liquidity

Lock Liquidity

Input your liquidity tokens into a time-released vault that returns the tokens at a specified date.

Team Token Vesting

Team Token Vesting

Create a vesting schedule for team members with specified dates and token amounts.

Public Facing Profile

Public Facing Profile

Proudly display your locked tokens and vesting schedule to the world as proof.

Create a Custom
Token Lockup Now

Lock your tokens or liquidity tokens in a few simple steps with Team Finance. Our process is easy, fast and secure.

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